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Статусы на английском

The love is an irreflexive not transitive dissymetric relation.
The love pulls down the most sacred in the person "pride" and "vanity".
Love this such condition of soul when you can not live without favourite, it is necessary as air as a life … and the instant of separation from it seems eternity …
The love is the present and the correct condition of the person is unique.
Sometimes you fasten relations, and sometimes relations connect you.
Looking at you, I turn to the child who knows only one word - I want! =)))
When you fall in love meekly, it would be desirable to be sorry about all those who has been meekly enamoured in you ….
I would give a life to it, but it is far and I love it till now
The love is the award received without merits... To Love means to see a miracle invisible to others.
I will stop loving it only when the mute will tell to the deaf person, that blind saw as legless went on water!
Has waited - and you have returned, with heart heart have touched and have left an eternal sign... We together! Yes will be so!
It is possible to forgive to the person everything when you understand, that you lose it for ever
Often we admit love not to people, and the memoirs connected with them, and we suffer, grieving not on a live being, and only on an interval of time when were happy...
I will sustain all: Both tears, and a pain, and that that you have left to another, and that that has again returned to me, I will sustain and I will forgive all to you.
If you something very much want - release it! If it returns, it was yours if is not present it is not necessary for you!
The world became without you empty and ridiculous, As the sky without birds. Where to find to us answers, To simple questions How correctly it is necessary to love?
What for to me love? - Me and so it is cheerful!
When we love, we lose sight. Often ugly it seems to us - beautiful. Who does not adore lacks of that which he loves, that cannot tell, that it is really enamoured!
... And nevertheless it is better to be a doll... With plastic heart....
I will forget, I will stop loving, I will leave to another, the main thing not to see you!!
I have not taken offence... Simply I am am enraged by such relation to me.... I love you, and you play!!
Mine I "love" the expensive costs... I speak it seldom and to very few people...) proper response I receive on it only from a two, and that girl-friends...!
The LOVE to people begins with LOVE to. But some on the first point also stop …
For what you to love, if you do not love me!? What for with you to be, if I know you me you will ruin!!!!!
¦ You have stolen my dream... You the lovely thief!!!
If I will recollect you, I mean have gone mad.... I mean not the strong...
I smile, and heart cries in lonely evenings. I love you. It means - I wish you good.
You - my poison, my air. You - my pain, my happiness. I love... Also I hate.
You will die in me not soon, to be exact - never. You in my soul forever... Means you will always live!
"Is enamoured and favourite" look at the world different eyes.
You know: I and could not become that of which you dream... But I can become that which you will not receive.
I trust in the one who lives in my heart, whose voice at me in blood, and the name is cut in subconsciousness...
It is occupied... It is occupied... It is occupied... It is occupied... This word for a toilet, instead of for loving heart!
Me rush, by me are thrown, me torment, me kill, from a breast my heart pull out, drink my blood, and I all the same love it...
People love only time, In falls of gentle phrases. We do not see light from a shade, Because we not those. I look in your eyes, On a cheek tear runs, Together to us with you not to be, But you to me not to forget.
The love is a holiday, but sometimes already absolutely a holiday and that that does it to us very painfully ((
It is said that the lie kills love. But frankness kills her faster.
Love - the strongest passion as she attacks at once heart, a head and a body!
The more you kiss, the you speak nonsenses less.
Love - unique nonsense wise and unique wisdom of a fool.
Very often instead of running from the one who can cause us a pain, we try to appear more close to it …
At times my eyes are jealous you of my heart... Because my eyes can not see you, but you ALWAYS are and will be in my heart...
The favourite person should be such that its absence was imperceptible, and presence necessary...
Let not the first, but should be unique!
To tell "I you I love" will occupy some seconds, to show as - all life.
The most true way to heart of the person is a conversation with it that it appreciates above all.
Sometimes I wish to be your heart... Always to be near to you. That you could not live without you...
My grief is too deep, that you noticed it, and the smile - is too superficial to be the truth.
In truly loving heart the jealousy kills love, or the love kills jealousy.
It is necessary to feed love, instead of to eat it
I will not notice, if in the sky there will be no stars if the sea dries up.... But I will notice that have ceased to feel the sun if you is not a number!
Start up a blizzard and a blizzard howl in my covered with wounds soul, I in silence of an eye will close and I will think of you.
The man changes with curiosity to another's wives, and the woman - from absence to it of curiosity of the husband.
The one who hotly is jealous loves, the one who at a meeting is silent loves, instead of the one who all time kisses and always about love speaks.
The girl always loves the one who hates it, and hates the one who loves it...
Why in our world there is nothing "average"? A life or death, friendship or enmity, pleasure or a grief. … and with you. … I have not learnt still you "a little bit" to love. … I am able only completely and irrevocably. … and on - it is impossible for another: the love does not recognise uncertainty and has put half... However, as well as you...
"As it is a pity, that you do not know it. As it is good, that you can guess it. As it is wonderful, that this feeling lives in me"
I notice those who in online, only when IT leaves a network...
I love...... Probably not for ever but all the same I love it! I love its sight, I love its smile, I love simply that I love you!
My men can be counted on fingers, but you, you are on an average because you can show fuck to all to the rests....
You say, that I am not able to love. I Am able, still as I am able... Only not you...
He loves it more than all others, but others that in it to make sure are necessary to it.
What for noise in your soul? Make more silently!
I can behind turn I will sit down on hunkers, I will remove heels and I will choke in tears. And now it is necessary to pretend to be simply happy and to pass by you... And then for turn
You the most expensive that at me is not present...
The happiness is. I know it. I know its phone number, habits, colour of his eyes. They beautiful. At it tender hands and it smartly kisses. "
I LOVE... Easier to look as you you laugh... I like to name you the sun.... I like to look simply in your eyes..... And only to you I can tell I LOVE YOU!!
I do not wish to hear more the false and hypocritical I "love"... Have my soul silently...
I love for... I love because... And easier to love not who cannot!!!!!!!!!!!!
When there is no that you love, it is necessary to love that is
I am not confident, that I love, but without it I cannot...
Cry out-will hear everyone, whisper-will hear the nearest, and only I will hear about what you be silent.
Silently I purr with happiness...))
I always dreamt to fall in love. Now to me it is very bad and sick... And if it also is love shoot down me!
The love is terrible illness, it slowly and painfully painfully burns soul and heart, gradually destroying the person.
After you have learnt love, you do not live any more, you only exist...
We delete telephone number, knowing that it for ever remains in memory.
I LOVE... Easier to look as you you laugh... I like to name you the kitten.... I like to look simply in your green eyes..... And only to you I can tell I LOVE YOU!!
Not important what price, it is impossible to leave from love!
Love-it that kills us all life!...
[... You and your smell-drug for me... You my personal grade of heroin... Now only you - my life... You are very necessary to me... Always... Forever... YOURS...].
Love are attractions of mind, a body and heart...
Start up a blizzard and a blizzard howl in my covered with wounds soul, I in silence of an eye will close and I will think of you.
We embrace and speak: "I will not release, I will not give" though five minutes ago spoke leave and do not come back.
We say, that we will think, foreknowing the answer
I now wish to forget the only thing of that about all and about everything, and to wait for a meeting with it.
I love... I Love your eyes, I love your smile, I love because you are...
[... We can often tell, that we love, but then we understand, that this person simply is pleasant to us... But we never will tell, that we love, to what really sense sew lives...]
My life-> Options-> the Privacy-> Who can supervise over my heart-> Only you-> to Keep... ¦.
Love - it when you are ill and it climbs you to kiss and you speak th I am ill, will catch. And it in the answer you think me it stops.
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